Emergency Pet Care
Find treatment fast.
We are equipped to see certain veterinary emergencies during our regular hours. However, if your pet experiences an after-hours emergency, they require an overnight observation, or we determine they require a level of specialty care that can be better provided elsewhere, we’ll refer you to the closest specialty care or emergency animal hospital.
In case of an after-hours emergency, please contact:
Tufts – Foster Hospital for Small Animals
55 Willard St, North Grafton, MA 01536
(P) 508-839-5395
For Emergencies dial: 508-839-5395 (press 3)
Tufts VETS (Veterinary Emergency Treatment & Specialties)
525 South Street, Walpole, MA 02081
(P) 508-668-5454
Angell Animal Medical Center
350 S Huntington Avenue, Boston, MA 02130
(P) 617-522-7282
ASPCA Animal Poison Control
(P) 888-426-4435
Pet Poison Helpline
(P) 800-213-6680
- During regular office hours — Call us and we will triage
- After Hours — Call Tufts-Foster Small Animal Hospital at (508) 839-5395
Some Common Emergencies
- Ingest Foreign Substance — Please call the Animal Poison Control Center at (888) 426-4435
- Hit By Car — Please seek immediate veterinary assistance, even if your pet seems bright and alert
- Seizure — If your dog is having a seizure for more than 5 minutes, please contact a vet immediately. A seizure lasting more than 15 minutes MUST BE STOPPED.
- Excessive Vomiting or Diarrhea — Contact a veterinarian for assistance
- Problems Breathing — Immediately contact Tufts-Foster Hospital for Small Animals at (508) 839-5395
For immediate assistance, call us at (508) 870-0600.